Wednesday 9 May 2007


The way to begin the exam season.

By finding out the grade you got in the longest, most time consuming, experimental chemistry coursework you have ever had to do.

It's in the title people.

Tuesday 8 May 2007

And so it begins

I got my exam time table today. Eleven bloody awful, twatting exams over the next month, set only to cause me enough stress to bring me to the very brink of a nervous breakdown.
Wish me luck.

On the plus side I have some very pretty flowers from my boyfriend and they smell fantastic!

Saturday 5 May 2007

Not ten minutes ago

I was sorting out my links list and for some reason I found it really difficult. Not the actual implementation, that was piss-easy, blogger couldn't have made it more so. No. The problem arose in deciding what blogs to include.

You see, I read a lot of blogs, my actual favourites list of blogs has its own (pretty thin) scroll bar, but that doesn't necessarily (did I spell that right??) mean that I want everyone knowing every blog that I read. Some of them express certain interests that I might not want everyone knowing that I share and some, well I just want to keep to myself so nerrr!

So the list on the right is a very select one for the moment. I will probably expand it over time and in doing so you might just learn a little bit more about the innocent little angel that is moi.

Oh and one last point...this bloody laptop is driving me bonkers!! I can not type on a new keyboard!!! Other than that though...yay!

Get in!

I am (quite frankly) the flashest cow in East London! Well maybe I just feel like it but that just isn't the point right now...

I'm laying in bed right now, laptop on lap typing this as - well, as I type - online: wireless.

Oh yes. I got it to work!

I'm so proud :-)

Thursday 3 May 2007


I'm getting a new computer!

I'm getting a new computer!

I'm getting a brand-leatherpaddle-onyourarse-spanking-new computer!

So in case you haven't guessed, I'm getting a new computer, well a laptop to be more precise. Technically it's for taking to uni with me in September but since the one I'm typing away on at the moment has pretty much had it I'm getting it tomorrow!!

Thank the bloke in the sky for bank holiday sales!

Just wish me luck for setting the darn thing up all by myself tomorrow!

Back to deleting files off this one.

In the words of Tigger:
ta ta for now!

Monday 30 April 2007

A thought

Ever noticed that, if you actually like friends, no matter how many times you watch the same episode it never gets old?

And I will walk 500 miles...

Well maybe not quite that far.

But I've decided it's time to get fit. Not so much to make myself look better (though that's part of the package!), but to actually get physically fitter.

The problem is I'm buggered if I'm going to pay to join some club or programme and I don't exactly have a home gym either. Which leaves me exercise videos or going out in the wilds of East London for a jog or (heaven forbid!) a run. Now I'm not too bothered about the idea of going out for a jog, I AM bothered about wearing suitable clothes.

I'm a city girl, I wear jeans and heels or jeans and (pretty) flats. I do not own a pair of trainers, or really a pair of comfortable shoes to be honest. I don't have sporty kinds of clothes and I don't even own a sports bra.

This getting fit malarkey is going to cost a pretty penny isn't it?


Then there's the route. Like I said - East London, it isn't exactly the safest place in the world to plug your iPod in and go out for a couple of hours and get absolutely knackered is it?

Maybe I'll become a dog walker. A vicious dog walker and run them for exercise with a built in bodyguard? Sounds good to me.

But then there's the poo.

Bugger it, I'll stay unfit.